Filegator is an open source file manager that provides a simple and efficient way to manage files and directories on your server. If you already have Apache-Nginx and VestaCP installed on CentOS 7, this detailed guide will help you install Filegator without any problems.


    Software Update: First of all, update your system software to make sure all packages are up to date.

     sudo yum update -y


    Step 1: Downloading and unzipping Filegator


    Downloading the file: Download the latest version of Filegator directly from the GitHub repository to the /usr/share/ directory.

     wget -P /usr/share/



    Extract archive: The command extracts the downloaded archive to the same directory.

     unzip -o /usr/share/ -d /usr/share/ >/dev/null



    Step 2: Set permissions


    Change the owner: This is necessary to ensure proper security and functionality of the directory.



    As we can see the permissions are root:root So from under the admin user we can't work. 

     chown -R admin:admin:admin /usr/share/filegator


    Customize permissions: Provide appropriate read, write, and execute permissions.

     chmod -R 775 /usr/share/filegator



    Additional configuration: In this example, the permissions are also set for the /home/backup directory so that you can download backups that the VestaCP panel has created.


     chmod +rx /home/backup



    Step 3: Apache Configuration


    Delete an existing configuration file: If the file already exists, it should be deleted to avoid conflicts.

     sudo rm /etc/httpd/conf.d/filegator.conf


    Creating a new configuration file: A new configuration file is then created and populated with the appropriate settings.

     vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/filegator.conf


    Paste the following code:

     Alias /filegator /usr/share/filegator
        <Directory /usr/share/filegator>
            Order Deny,Allow
            Deny from All
            Allow from All
        <Directory /usr/share/filegator/dist>
            Order Deny,Allow
            Deny from All
            Allow from All


    Should look like this:



    Step 4: Modify the Filegator configuration


    Change Root Directory: The following command changes the default storage root directory in Filegator.

     sed -i "s#__DIR__\.'/repository'#'/home'#g" /usr/share/filegator/configuration.php



    Step 5: Activate Changes


    Restart Apache: After all of the previous steps, Apache must be restarted to apply the changes.

     systemctl restart httpd




    From this point Filegator should be fully installed and configured on your CentOS 7 server with Apache-Nginx and VestaCP. The Filegator interface can be accessed through a browser at http://your_domain_or_ip/filegator.