In this article, we will look at how to install a MySQL 8 server in a Docker container, and see how to connect it to phpMyAdmin in the docker-compose that we installed in the article How to install phpMyAdmin in Docker.

    So let's install Docker.

    As usual, we update the OS packages.

    apt update

    Install the necessary packages and add a new repository:

    apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt key add -
    add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

    Update packages with the new repository:

    apt update

    Install Docker.

    apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

    Checking Docker version:

    docker --version

    Let's see the status:

    systemctl status docker

    If it doesn't start, run:

    systemctl start docker

    And add to autorun.

    systemctl enable docker

    Install Docker Compose

    curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin /docker-compose

    Set run permissions for docker-compose.

    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

    Check if Docker-Compose is installed:

    docker-compose --version

    As you can see, everything is in order. Let's move on to creating a file for Docker-Compose.

    To navigate in the future where and what we have installed, let's create a separate folder for this project in the /home directory and go to it.

    mkdir /home/mysql && cd /home/mysql

    In this guide, we will be installing a specific version of MySQL 8. To do this, we will use the repository from

    To create the docker-compose.yaml file, we will use the repository at the link

    Create a docker-compose.yaml or docker-compose.yml file:

    vim docker-compose.yaml

    And add the following code to it:

    version: '3.1'
          container_name: db_mysql
          image: mysql
            - "3311:3306"
          restart: always
            MYSQL_USER: admin
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: rNZzq5U37DqJlNe
            - /var/lib/mysqld:/var/lib/mysql


    db_mysql: name of your container;
    image: mysql: the image from which mysql 8 will be deployed;
    ports: 3311:3306 - port 3311 which we will use to connect to mysql;
    restart:always - indicates that the container will be restarted when the server crashes or restarts;
    mysql_USER: creating a new user in this case is admin;
    mysql_PASSWORD: password for the admin user;
    mysql_ROOT_PASSWORD: this password will be set for the mysql superuser root account;
    In volumes, we prescribe a shared directory so that when the container is restarted, the database data is saved.

    We run our script (for this you need to be in the directory where our file was created. In this case, it is /home/mysql):

    docker-compose up -d

    We are waiting for the download of images, and deployment.

    We check:

    docker-compose ps


    docker ps

    To view the logs, use the command

    docker logs -f db_mysql

    Also, this version of the mysql 8 database can be installed along with phpMyAdmin and linked to it. Let's see how to do it.

    Let's edit the created docker-compose.yaml file

    vim docker-compose.yaml

    Let's add the following structure below:

    version: '3.1'
          container_name: db_mysql
          image: mysql
            - "3311:3306"
          restart: always
            MYSQL_USER: admin
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: rNZzq5U37DqJlNe
            - /var/lib/mysqld:/var/lib/mysql
          container_name: phpmyadmin
          image: phpmyadmin
          restart: always
            - "8091:80"
            - PMA_HOST=db_mysql
            - db_mysql

    In the phpmyadmin sector, we added the phpmyadmin image, specified port 8091 to it, but now it will be bound to a specific database server, namely the one that we installed/deployed mysql 8

    This parameter is written in the enviroment block where:
    PMA_HOST=db_mysql - points to the mysql container/block which is described above in this file.
    Also, the depends_on: directive indicates the start/start dependency on the db_mysql container. This means that until the container with mysql is started, the container with phpmyadmin will not be started.

    We can start phpmyadmin and mysql with one command.

    docker-compose up -d

    We check:

    docker-compose ps

    As you can see, the containers are missing.

    In this way, you can install the version of the MariaDB database that you need. How to do this, you can find in this article.