Full and differential backups.
ISPmanager performs full backups and differential backups. A full copy is an archive copy of all sites and user databases. The first time you run a backup, a full backup is created. On subsequent days, if the day of the week is not Sunday, daily differential backups are created. Differential copy - it writes only those files that have been changed recently, in comparison with the full copy. In this case, the number of copies may be different. What is the ratio of full and daily backups? You can independently set the required number of full and differential copies. On Sunday, in any case, a full backup is created. For example, in 2 weeks, you get a ratio of 3 full and 11 differential copies. After 14 days, the oldest differential backups will be deleted first. Once a full backup has no differential parts left, it will be deleted.

If you do not have the ability to restore data through the control panel, but there are files from a storage of this type:
F2022-11-02.user.tgz.part1 F2022-11-02.user.tgz.part2 ..... F2022-11-02.user.tgz.partX
You can glue them back into an archive with the Linux command:
cat F2022-11-02.user.tgz.part1 F2022-11-02.user.tgz.part2 ... F2022-11-02.user.tgz.partX > F2022-11-02.user.tgz
Command for Windows:
copy /b F2022-11-02.user.tgz.part1 + /b F2022-11-02.user.tgz.part2 + /b F2022-11-02.user.tgz.partX F2022-11-02.user. tgz
The received archive F2022-11-02.user.tgz can already be opened by standard means of your OS.