Instructions for setting up the service resale program

    The principle of reselling hosting services is straightforward - you buy services from us and sell them to your customers. And, of course, it will be much more convenient and accessible if such a process is fully automated. Do not worry if you don’t know something or are afraid to face difficulties - we will help, tell you everything and show you step by step. 
    First, you need to install Billmanager, a billing system that allows you to set up automatic resale of our services. The installation will take you a few minutes. 
    To get started, order a server that will host your Billmanager.
     When everything is ready, you need to provide our support team with the necessary access to set up the integration. 
    Setting up Billmanager
    At the very beginning, to set up integration with the selling Billmanager, go to the section
    Integration → Service Handlers → Create.
    For example, to resell services (in our case, a virtual server), create a service handler with the following parameters:
    Select "Product Type" - "Virtual Server".
    * Here you can choose the service of DNS hosting, Shared hosting, Dedicated server, Domains, FTP-storage, Virtual server.
     Select "Processing module" - "Billmanager".
    After clicking on "Billmanager" you will receive a message "To add a service processor, you must add at least one data centre" Click the "OK" button.
    Then enter the name of the data center, then click “Ok”
    Then enter in the URL field
    Next, in the "Username" field, enter your email, which you used during registration.
    In the "Password" field, enter your account password. Click "Next".
     Select "Data Center" (It will be selected automatically if you have one "Data Center")
     Enter the “Name” of the service processor. This is the name that will be displayed in the interface.
     Select "Responsible department". Tasks will be assigned to it if necessary.
     Set the handler priority in the "Sort" field. Set priority if you connect several processors to one tariff plan.
     Set the “Minimum handler balance“. This is the minimum balance of your account for a successful renewal of the service.
     Click "Finish"
     Let's move on to importing tariff plans.
    After setting up the integration, import tariff plans from the selling Billmanager. Tariff plans are imported in the Products → Tariff plans → Import section.
     Select from the drop-down menu the “Processing Module” created earlier. The billing system loads the available tariff plans from this handler. Click "Next".
     Select the "Product Type" for resale, its "Price Plan" and "Provider". Click Finish.
     After completing all the steps, you get a well-configured automatic system for reselling hosting services. All you have to do is create your client base, and our technical support service will take care of the entire administrative part.