You have successfully launched a website and purchased various tools for it, everything is functioning stably, but something is missing. Interesting interface? There is! A unique domain? Present! SEO promotion? Its working!

    The IT world is big enough, and it will take a while to get all the information at once. You've probably used "domain" - the individual name of the site, but have you ever heard of a "subdomain"?

    Strange and unclear symbols are what most people call a subdomain. You don't need to go to Google for help and search for tedious articles. We're here to help you understand this topic quickly and easily!

    In this article, we'll answer this question in more detail, explain why subdomains are useful, and tell you how to create your own subdomains.

    Interested? Read on!

    What is the difference between a subdomain and a domain?

    You don't need to go to Google and type in "what are subdomains". To easily understand what it is, look at the URL of the browser you are currently on.

    Https: - protocol. These are the characters by which the browser sends a request to the server. - domain. The unique identifier of a website and a way for users to access it. There are three parts of a domain name: the top-level domain (TLD), the second-level domain (SLD) and the subdomain.

    1. Top Level Domain (TLD)

    A top-level domain is the element of a domain name that sits at the end of a site's address. They are divided into country-specific TLDs (ccTLDs) and generic TLDs (gTLDs).

    You've probably seen many popular gTLDs, and they don't just consist of .com. It can also be .org, .net, .gov, .edu, .blog, .mil. Typically, ".edu" is used for educational sites, ".gov" for the public sector, and ".mil" for military topics.

    The primary function of a ccTLD is to recognise a specific country that consists of two letters. These can be .pl, .us, .uk, .ua, .fr.

    2. Second Level Domain (SLD)

    You can find a second-level domain on the left of the .com or .org characters. It is a unique element of the domain name, often a business or brand name. In the example, .com is a TLD and zomro is an SLD.

    Your SLD is the identifier of your website. It must match the services you offer and differentiate your site from others, which deserves careful consideration.

    3. Subdomain

    A subdomain is something that is in front of the SLD. They are usually used to separate sections of a website from the main page. This helps organise the different items on the site and makes it easier for the audience to find the page they want. For example, and direct according to our blog and tech support.

    Subdomain features are useful enough, but do you know how they work? Let's take a look at that next.

    How do subdomains work?

    Humans are very inventive because we always look for ways to make our lives easier. When the Internet started, everyone had to enter a long IP address to contact a particular site, which lasted only a short time as more and more devices and people joined the growing network. Users wanted website names to be easier to remember because a set of numbers is not easy to memorise.

    DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name System. Although users type into a search box to go to a website, browsers and servers communicate through IP addresses. The Domain Name System converts the domains visitors perceive into IP addresses that can be "read" by gadgets.

    The DNS allows people to visit a particular website without knowing the appropriate IP address. It is a large directory on the Internet, with many IP addresses associated with specific addresses in browsers.

    Hence, the main functions of the system:

    1. DNS associates a domain with the appropriate IP address.
    2. The DNS directory is stored on DNS servers, which regularly exchange data to synchronise catalogue information and create redundancy.
    3. DNS also turns subdomains into IP addresses, thereby controlling which server a user can access through a particular query.

    What is a subdomain used for?

    Since a domain can have an infinite number of subdomains, they are often used to reduce confusion, maintain the online brand and cut costs, because a new domain name is worth the money.

    But besides saving money, there are many other uses for them.

    Creating a new website

    All resources have to live under the company's domain name, but at the same time, they may all have different functions. If you are not sure whether you should publish a certain page with a new layout, you can always use a subdomain to test it.

    Expanding your audience

    Your main page may have valuable information for a specific audience. But what if you tried to change it up a bit? For example, suppose you have an online site-building platform by creating a subdomain with a slightly different focus. In that case, you can attract people interested in tips on building a site or today's top trends.

    New blog

    Often, every online platform has a serious site about website creation, brand development, internet resource rentals, etc. It is valuable information, but have you ever thought about creating something lighter? A subdomain can be the perfect solution to create an interesting and, at the same time, useful blog about various other topics.

    The mobile version of the site

    The Internet has become a giant, and mobile devices are becoming a major focus of it. Perhaps not everyone has a powerful computer or laptop, but everyone has a phone. To optimise a resource for users' gadgets, you place the same website with the same content but a slightly different style so that it fits on a cell phone or tablet screen.

    Organizing site content

    Everyone is comfortable using sites with good navigation. Creating a subdomain allows you to divide the site's content into several niches, making the interface more pleasant for users. People will not need to go to the site's main page to look for information; they can enter the subdomain in the search box with a certain direction to a category.

    Testing a complementary business

    You already have an online platform, but would you like to try another area? Not a problem. A subdomain is easy to handle. A domain is unique, but getting a new one will cost you quite a bit of money, and you can't be sure that you will fully realise your idea. A subdomain - an alternative option by which you can create a new page with a new interface and new content.

    Choosing a domain

    Choosing the right domain name is one of the most important things you will do for your website. It is the uniqueness of your resource and the ability to compete in the marketplace. In addition to defining the site, the domain name will communicate important information to visitors and search engine robots.

    You'll need to choose an individual domain first, but it's worth checking availability through our domain name search platform. Ending with .com is just one of the many options available at ZOMRO. We provide a wide variety of domain extensions such as .net, .org, .me, .pro, .host, .lol, .space, .online, .website and more.

    We always have discounts and promotions for users. Even if you have purchased services from another provider, our team can easily connect yours to our rates.

    What are examples of subdomains?

    Perhaps you are still not quite sure what a subdomain is or how and when it should be used. If you've already covered the theoretical use of a subdomain, it's worth moving on to the practical part. Let's look at some real examples of using subdomains.


    Wikipedia uses a subdomain for its articles to denote a language or region. For example, the subdomain en - means the article is in English, uk - means Ukrainian, etc.

    Wikipedia has a subdomain that can take you to a page with simplified text language. By adding "simple" to the domain -, you can see a simple English version of the article for language learners and those with other needs.


    The well-known Google search engine also has subdomains. - allows you to go to the search bar and enter any query you are interested in. - helps you solve problems and find the correct answer to your question. - translator, which has many features and includes many languages.

    You can also go to an online store, blog, or educational platform and see if they have subdomain variations. It is very informative because sometimes, you can open a new page of your favourite website for yourself.

    What is the difference between a subdomain and a subdirectory?

    Should we use a subdirectory or a subdomain? Are they different? Which is better for optimizing the site? - these and many other similar questions often arise in users.

    Simply put, the functions of a subdomain and a subdirectory are almost the same - they both structure your site. You've probably figured out by now that the subdomain comes before the main domain and the subdirectory comes after it. It looks like this:


    Subdomains are used when part of a website requires its server. Server administrators create subdomains to distribute resources to all the gadgets they access. A subdirectory is similar to a subdomain because it allows you to create content categories, but servers are configured differently. The subdirectory is hosted on the same server and any link back to the domain


    The subdomain keywords belong to your main domain, which makes them a great choice if you want all the keywords on the pages to be attached to the main URL. A subdomain has its own set of keywords, separate from the main domain.

    Search engine optimization

    SEO optimization is one of the biggest controversies that arise during the discussion of subdomains vs subdirectories. Deciding what has the best SEO results is a big problem. Some people are more comfortable using a subdomain, and others are more comfortable using a subdirectory. Either way, the choice is yours.

    How many subdomains can you have?

    Each registrar offers its own conditions for creating subdomains, which can be either limited or paid for. We,, when using our services, namely domain rental, give you the opportunity to create an unlimited number of subdomains (within reason, of course).

    Are subdomains free?

    Of course, they are! When renting an individual domain, you can use different subdomains. You manage the structure of your site, its content, and the development and organisation of information.

    What is a WildCard subdomain?

    WildCard subdomains allow you to point all subdomains (existing and non-existing) to a specific file folder in your account. If you type in any subdomain in your browser, it will show the same content you uploaded to the file folder for WildCard subdomains.

    How to create a subdomain and set it up

    All the information is very interesting and you probably want to create your own subdomain. Here's a quick tutorial on how to create and work with it.

    1. Go to the hosting panel of your site.
    2. Find the main domain to which you want to create a subdomain.
    3. Look in the dashboard to see where to add a subdomain.
    4. Enter a new subdomain name and the IP address of the server you want to attach it to.
    5. Once the DNS record is updated, the subdomain is ready to use.

    How long does it take for a subdomain to become active?

    Any DNS changes, such as the creation of a subdomain, are subject to propagation, which can take up to 24 hours. Some services allow you to activate a subdomain within 30 minutes or even immediately. However, you can still connect to the site on your computer before the propagation is complete by making changes to the host file.

    What is subdomain forwarding?

    Domain redirecting is an interesting concept. You can redirect visitors to your domain address to any other place on the Internet. If you have registered a domain name on one online resource but have created your website and want to attract visitors, you can link your main domain to your new site thanks to domain redirecting. Users clicking on your domain/subdomain will automatically be directed to the destination you specify.

    Is "www"" a subdomain?

    The address of the World Wide Web - www - is no longer that common in the online environment. In the past, you might have noticed that almost every Internet resource had a domain with a "www". Now everyone directly uses the name of the brand or company as the main domain, without any additions, because it is convenient for both users and the platform owner.

    Any questions?

    We are confident that we were able to provide all the useful information that you can further use to promote your online resource. Domains, subdomains, subdirectories - an interesting topic to study, thanks to which you can significantly promote your website.

    If you have any unresolved questions, contact our technical support, or try to find answers in our help center.